A Mostly Gray Day in May
Birds sighted at Burrage Pond: Killdeer, Yellow Warber, Prairie Warbler, Yellow-shafted Flicker, Grackle, Red-wing Blackbird, Canada Goose, Mallard, Savannah Sparrow, Catbird, Mockingbird, Great Blue Heron, Baltimore Oriole, Lesser Yellowlegs, Bluebird, Tree Swallow, Barn Swallow, Chickadee.
Amphibians: Bull Frog
Mammals: Muskrat
Today was rainy, overcast, with occasional glimpses of sun. This Traveler wandered the bogs in the afternoon. The trees swallows were busy scooping insects out of the air. The warblers were, well, warbling. Off in the shallows yellowlegs probed for snacks.
Just in case you were curious what a tree sparrow looks like when it scratches its chin with a foot.
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