Vancouver Island: Victoria, Old Friends, and a Poem

This was my last day on Vancouver Island. I hate last days.

My old buddy Paladin. I think he's 25 in this photo.

Travelers Six and Twelve took me to a nearby farm in Duncan to visit two old friends: Paladin and Panzer, two horses whom I've had long acquaintance with, especially Paladin. He and I had our adventures years ago during riding lessons. He's a noble soul who taught me a lot.

The harbor and the Empress Hotel.

We then drove to Victoria and had lunch at the Empress Hotel. We ate outside overlooking the harbor area. Have their homemade lemonade. It is made with honey from resident hotel bees.

Lemonade made with honey from resident hotel bees.

Then we went back in time to the last Ice Age and learned all we could about mammoths at the Royal BC Museum. This is a great museum. It would take more than a few hours to fully explore all their collections though.

Then it was time to get back on the ferry and go back to Seattle and fly back home.  On the ferry I had a wonderful time listening to two elderly English ladies seated behind me as they planned who was going to carry which bits of the amazing amount of liquor they bought in the onboard duty-free shop. They also proceeded to down two bottles of wine. They were kind of awesome.

The world gave me an amazing send off from this trip in the form of one of the most spectacular sunsets I've ever seen.

The Island
I have been in other worlds
far away among the branches,
walking the wet forest floor
and wandering webs of rain water.
It is alive here. Full of
spirits. Trees here are
universes. In the sun and the shade
the bears stride
strong with secrets and smart.
The rivers are their realm.
But the wolves own the beach.

This is how Vancouver Island said goodbye to me.


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