A Wander through the Meadows of Myles Standish State Park

Monarch Butterfly on purple clover

Here is a bit of summer for those of you that are not enjoying these gray days of November. This day, I accompanied Traveler Two and Traveler Six as groom while they took their two fine mounts for a nice hack through the meadows. I took my camera, of course. Butterflies, bees, and dragonflies were everywhere, flying in mad dances through grass, flower and bush.

Monarch Butterfly on purple clover

Monarch Butterfly on purple clover

Monarch Butterfly on purple clover

Blue Mud Dauber Wasp

Red Spotted Purples. These two were doing a dance around each other through the leaves of the trees lining the trail heading out to the meadows.

Some kind of Skipper

Some kind of Duskywing

Some kind of Duskywing

Pearl Crescent in flight

Pearl Crescents on golden rod

Pearl Crescent and Pennsylvania Leatherwing on golden rod

Pearl Crescent on golden rod

Pearl Crescents in flight

Female Eastern Amberwing

Female Eastern Amberwing

Martha's Pennant Female
